islenska` 31.03.06 Welcome to my english blog T__-
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Sunday, July 12, 2009

No, I disagree with it. As if the usage of Singlish is allowed, it will 'destroy' the proper english of what the students have been trying to learn since they started studying. But I don't really tend to disagree with it, as although I am suppose to talk about its bad point, I now also tend to use. Singlish can be quite unique as you cant possibly find this language in other foreign countries. Thus Singlish can be counted as a tradition which is 'created' by Singaporean as it can be counted as part of our Singaporeans' cultural. But after all this discussions, I still think that Singlish should not be the official language in Singaporeans as it will affect our communications with the outside world or other countries.

Battled at || 6:06 AM

Monday, July 6, 2009

In my opinion, i have to agree and at the same time disagree with it. I agreed as, take an example like the outbreak of the H1N1 case which happened quite recently. One of the is Singapore Health Promotion Board kept reminding us not to go to crowded place when we are sick, or even if we are sick and we need to go out. We have to wear a mask before going out. Despite all this reminders, quite a number of people still spit on the floor, especially the older generations. Thus this is where I disagree with.

While for the opinion on are Singaporeans gracious, i have some agreements and disagreements in it. One example is during bus rides, there were posters that keep asking others to give their seats to those who need the seat more than them. Some people are gracious enough, and they really gave their seats to those people. While some are just ridiculous, they just pretend to be reading something or sleeping to avoid giving up their seats to this people.

Eventually, I agree and disagree with the fact that Singaporeans are gracious and responsible. I just think that some Singaporeans should learn on their conducts in public.

Battled at || 3:42 AM

Monday, May 4, 2009

My Future Career~

What I want be in the future is to be a chef. The reason why I want to be a chef is partly due to the influence of my mum who likes to cook delicious recipes. Not only that, it can also be due to my likings for food and causes me to have a large appetite for my size. Last of all, it is also due to my great liking for cooking delicious recipe!

Job scope
The responsibilities of a chef is that, they must have lots of patience, as in the kitchen, it would be hot and humid which can cause the chef to be irritated or agitated quite easily. Another responsibility of a chef is that, he or she must have a good sense of cleanliness as what you have cooked is what your customers eat, if you do not bother about the hygiene if you and your kitchen, your customer will be more likely to get food poisoning.

Pre-requisites for the Job
For personal skills, you are needed to have a strong sense of both taste and smell, as a chef, both your sense of smell and taste will decide the taste of the food. Next, you must also have a strong passion for cooking, so that you will always be motivated for more delicious recipes, and always looking forward to cooking to serve your customers. Other than that, for the academic skills, you will need to have two or four-degree in a culinary school, or at least have experience in the kitchen.

Future Career Prospects
As for my career path, I would like to start off by working in a restaurant or maybe a cooking stall in the coffee shop. Or even maybe go to some school or polytechnics to have courses on culinary so that after I have graduated, I can have my own restaurant.

What am I going to do for me myself to achieve my goal is to study hard now so that in the future, it will be easier for me to achieve my goal. And it can also help me to get into a higher ranking chef if I get into a restaurant.

Battled at || 6:09 AM

Sunday, February 8, 2009

My Goals For the Next Two Years~
My goals for the next two years is to pass all my subjects successfully as last year, I was very slack in my work, I am not even bothered to do all my homeworks. And now, since I am given a chance to stay in the express stream although i should be in the normal stream now. I should work harder for my academic and prove my friend's thinking wrong. Thus, I must strive hard and work hard for that, that is my goal for the next two years!

Battled at || 5:08 AM


About Me?

A strange boy with the name of Chua Min You who always call himself as xIAomOgUizzzz


Pass all my subjects with B's
Play well in basketball

Say It


Class blog:3e4'09g

Past Victories

February 2009
May 2009
July 2009

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